There are numerous variants of poker, the most popular among amateurs and professionals alike being Texas holdem. It is the most popular and most played form of poker in the world. Texas holdem comes in two forms: fixed limit holdem and no limit holdem, i.e. with limited or unlimited bets. Compared to limit holdem, no-limit is more dynamic, more visible and more widespread. In Poker School, we will focus on no-limit holdem.
As English is the internationally recognised language of poker, from time to time a Latvian poker term will be followed by its English equivalent in brackets, which is often also used colloquially.

Royal flush
Ace, king, queen, jack and ten of a suit. This is the rarest and most powerful combination.
Straight flush
Five cards of the same suit in order of rank.
Four of a kind
Four cards of the same rank
Full House
Three cards of the same rank and a pair
Five cards of the same suit
Five consecutive cards
Three of a kind
Three cards of the same rank
Two pairs
Two pairs of cards of the same rank
Pair (“Pair”)
One pair
How are these combinations formed?
Pairs of cards are ranked according to their strength, the older the card, the stronger it is. A pair of Aces AA beats a pair of Kings KK , and a pair of Sevens 77 loses to a pair of Eights 88.
You have K and 7
Your opponent: Q and 8
The cards on the board are: A, 5, K, 2, Q.
You win because you have two kings and your opponent has two queens; your pair is stronger.
Two pair:
You: 7 and 4
Your opponent: 5 and 6
On the board: 7, 5, 4, 6, J.
You win because you have the stronger older pair 77 44, while your opponent has 66 and 55.
Three of a kind:
You: K,S K S
Opponent: J, J
On the board: 9, K, J, A, 4
You win because you have KKK and your opponent has JJJ. AAA beats KKK, and 555 is also a stronger hand than 444.
You: 9, J
For your opponent: 9, 10.
On the board: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
You win because your straight is stronger – the highest card is a J and your opponent’s is a 10. In the case of a straight, the player whose final (highest) card is stronger wins.
You: A, 2.
For your opponent: K, Q.
On the board: 2, 5, J, 9, 3.
You win because you have the highest card in the hand. If two or more players have a Club, then the player with the strongest or highest suit card wins.
Royal flush
Ace, king, queen, jack and ten of a suit. This is the rarest and strongest combination.
Straight flush
Five cards of the same suit in order of rank.
Four of a kind
Four cards of the same rank
Full House
Three cards of the same rank and a pair
Five cards of the same suit
Five hole cards
Three of a kind
Three cards of the same rank
Two pairs
Two pairs of cards
Pair (“Pair”)
One pair
Let’s see how it works and how these combinations are made.

K and 7
For your opponent: Q and 8
On the table: A, 5, K, 2, Q.
You win because you have two kings and your opponent has two queens, so your pair is stronger.
The pair of cards is ranked according to their strength, the older the card, the stronger it is: a pair of Aces AA beats a pair of Kings KK and a pair of Sevens 77 loses to a pair of Eights 88.
Two pairs:
You: 7 и 4
5 и 6 for your opponent
On the board: 7, 5, 4, 6, J.
You win because you have the stronger senior pair 77 44, while your opponent has 55 and 66.
Example: KK 22 wins QQ TT.
Three of a kind:
You: K, K
Opponent: J, J.
On the board: 9, K, J, A, 4.
You win because you have KKK, while your opponent has JJJ – your hand is stronger. AAA beats KKK, and 555 is also a stronger hand than 444.
You: 9, J
For the opponent: 9, 10.
On the board: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10.
You win because your straight is stronger – the highest card is J and your opponent’s is 10. In the case of a straight, the player whose final (highest) card is stronger wins.
You: A, 2.
K, Q.
On the board: 2, 5, J, 9, 3.
You win because you have the highest card in the hand. If both you and your opponent have a flush, the hand with the higher card wins.
If more than one player has a full house, then the hand with the higher full house base – three of a kind – wins. For example, AAA99 is stronger than KKKQQ. If the base is the same, then look at the pair.
For you: 9, 9.
Your opponent: 6, 6.
On the board: 5, 5, 5, K, 10
Even though the fulhaus base – three cards of the same rank – is shared by you and your opponent (555), you win because you have the stronger pair 99.
You: 10, J
Opponent: 6, 5
On the board: 2, 7, 8, 9, K
You win because your Streitfleche is stronger. Your opponent’s last or final card is a 9, and yours is a J. The player whose final card of the given hand is stronger or higher wins.
Royal Flush:
You: A, 2.
For your opponent: 9, 5.
On the board: 3, 10, J, Q, K.
You win because the Royal Flush is 10,J,Q,K,A – from the same suit – and only one of this combination is possible. Your opponent will at best have a Streit Flush (as in this case).
If there are no hands, the player with the strongest or highest card wins. If the players have the same hand, the pot is split between the winners. Five cards are taken into account to determine the strongest hand.